HBC Landmark Realty LLC

5 Ways to Increase Curb Appeal

The snow is melting and spring is in the air! Last week we discussed some basic tips for prepping for the spring market. This week let’s talk a little more about curb appeal. The change of season and crisp spring air is the perfect time to freshen up the outside of you home. Give potential buyers something they will desire when they drive past your home.

1. The Front Door – A new coat of paint will impress. Take a moment to look at your entryway from the street. Could it use some updating? New hardware, cleaning the area around it, dressing a porch or entryway with spring flowers and making sure your walk way or steps are clean and in good shape will surely impress.

2. Power Wash – Power washing your home, garage and driveway will help clear all the signs of wear and make your home stand out this time of year. We usually wash our cars to clean off the side effects of driving on the winter roads. Our homes can benefit with the same care and will shine when the flowers begin to bloom.

3. Trim the Trees – The trees are beautiful in the fall but often look neglected and messy after many winter storms. Cleaning up fallen branches, pruning back bushes, and cutting down landscaping that takes away from the appeal of the house are a good investment of your time and money.

4. Mulch – Mulch makes a big difference in the look and feel of your front yard. It lets buyers know you take care of your property and it highlights your landscaping. Perennial flowers will stand out against a mulched background.

5. Lighting – After you spend all that time working on your curb appeal highlight it with landscape lights. Spotlighting a feature tree and outlining your walkway are great ways to impress. There are many solar lights readily available at home improvement stores that provide a quick and easy way to showcase the outside of your home.

Focusing on curb appeal is a great way to make sure your property gives a great first impression.