HBC Landmark Realty LLC

Introducing…Discover Local

At HBC Landmark Realty we love to support our local community. As long time Hudson Valley residents we know a lot of the great little spots to find great food, cocktails, antiques and even where to get a great haircut!

March 29th is #NationalMomandPopDay on social media. When we were trying to decide who to showcase it quickly became apparent that we couldn’t choose just one. The solution? Make “Discover Local” a feature in our social media.

We can’t wait to get to know our community better. Let us know if you have any recommendations for new places for us to try or if you own a local business and would like to be featured. Need to know where to find the best diner in Beacon? Ask away!

Be sure to add the hashtag #HBCDiscoverLocal to the hashtags you follow on Instagram (and follow @hbc.landmark.realty) so you don’t miss a feature!